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Pittsburgh is a city close to the heart of RFCG. Many of us have deep connections there, but, like so many others from Pittsburgh, we have moved on to other places.
I recently came across the Burgh Diaspora Blog produced by a member of the diaspora named Jim Russell. According to Russell,
"During the Summer of 2005, I decided I wanted to help Pittsburgh. I've been involved in a Steelers fansite for over 5 years and I noticed that the folks who left the region still retain a strong affiliation with their hometown. This is a very talented community with a distinct identity. I figured the answer to Pittsburgh's recent woes is tapping the resources of this yet-to-be-organized network."
Russell's blog covers Pittsburgh directly, but also similar migration trends and strategies affecting other parts of the country (including the state of Iowa and Buffalo, NY).
We will be following Russell's blog and network and look forward to seeing the fruits of his strategy. (I know I am sending his blog on to other members of the diaspora.)
(posted by Richard)
I would like to take this opportunity to offer many thanks to Dr. Florida and RFCG for the publicity. The strong resonance of the Creative Class concept is a powerful entry point for anyone interested in regional economic development. I greatly appreciate you swinging those long coattails my way. As a result, I’ve already found a few more kindred spirits in my quest to enable the Burgh Diaspora.
Posted by: Jim Russell | October 02, 2006 at 03:16 PM
The Pittsburgh club is one of the biggest and most active. I view Pittsburgh Diaspora as Pittsburgh's greatest untapped asset. They are remarkably loyal to their hometown.
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Posted by: zancy | June 26, 2008 at 01:32 AM