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My old friend Greg Zachary agrees: geography is destiny, innovation is far from flat, and Silicon Valley is very spiky.
"Many times in the past, pundits have declared an end to Silicon Valley’s hegemony, and even today there are prognosticators who see growing threats from innovation centers in India and China. Certainly, great technology ideas can come from anywhere, but they keep coming from Silicon Valley because of two related factors: increasing returns and first-mover advantage. ... On a gut level, we all can understand how these two factors work. Who wouldn’t want to play for a perennial contender? For the same reason that Andy Pettitte signs with the Yankees, the best and the brightest technologists from around the world make their way to northern California."
I read this one today also.
In the *print* version, btw.
Some of us are still dinosaurs. :0p
Posted by: Evan | February 11, 2007 at 05:03 PM