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September 17, 2007

Richard Florida

Talent, Talent, Talent

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Doug Ready and Jay Conger on "How to Fill the Talent Gap" in the Wall Street Journal.

It's no secret that global companies are finding it harder to fill critical jobs these days. They're struggling to land top recruits in emerging markets, for instance, and haven't prepared people in their own ranks to step seamlessly into management slots. Companies are racing to find solutions, but most of them are making a crucial error: They're treating these problems as separate issues. At most multinationals, a host of problems in recruiting and developing talent are converging to create a perfect storm -- a crisis that could derail the company's growth strategies. To meet the challenge, companies must rethink how they hire, train and reward their employees, placing those tasks at the heart of their business plans. In doing so, they have an opportunity to address all these separate problems with a unified plan, rather than waste time and resources attacking each of the issues individually.

We arrived at this conclusion after researching more than 40 companies to gain a better understanding of their concerns in recruiting and developing. We wanted to identify what steps companies were taking to excel in these areas -- to see what it would take for a company to become a world-class talent factory. As a part of our research, we identified five common problems in recruiting and development.


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