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Salon's Dear Cary:
I have a problem that I can't get perspective on, because it's got so many issues rolled up into one: finances, lifestyle, career, stress and economic uncertainty. Here is the situation: My wife and I have been married for two years; we are in our early 30s and do not have kids yet. She has a good job in academia, and two years ago, after finishing my Ph.D., I got a lucrative job at a hedge fund. Late last year we sold our cheap, tiny condo and bought a big house in a fancy suburb with not a lot of money down.
The problem is that, ever since we moved in, I've been having a visceral feeling that this move was a terrible, terrible mistake -- I hate the feeling of slowly falling asleep in suburbia and never waking up. And I hate the commute. And I hate not being able to walk anywhere. And the lack of character. And the McMansions. And the SUVs. I want out and I want out now.
Read the rest including the advice here.
I must question why they moved in the first place? I think people believe there is some sort of checklist you follow that says get married at this age, buy house in burbs at this age, have 2.0 kids at this age, and die at this age....
Posted by: daver | February 20, 2008 at 03:07 PM