Location as it relates to research and development increasingly matters - although you can't ignore talent in other places. Find out why and how this affects BlackBerry (aka CrackBerry) maker - Research In Motion.
Aleem Kanji
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May 07, 2008Location as it relates to research and development increasingly matters - although you can't ignore talent in other places. Find out why and how this affects BlackBerry (aka CrackBerry) maker - Research In Motion.
Aleem Kanji October 31, 2007(posted by David) Steve Lohr's piece, Hello India? I Need Help With My Math, in the NY Times (sub rq'd) uncovers the evolution of outsourcing as consumer services (often considered non-exportable) such as tutoring, tax and legal services, and personal valets are now available at much lower costs than local providers. From the article,
September 06, 2007The latest report from the International Labour Organization, Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM) includes this little gem (h/t Peter S Magnusson who mentioned it on his blog):
However, the world has, for the first time ever, more people working in something other than gathering, raising, or providing food. The fact that they are going from farming to giving manicures and manicuring lawns and asking "do you want fries with that?" might give you reason for pause. But, many of the ILO "service" occupations are ones that we include in the Creative Class so it's not all doom and gloom. In fact, the worldwide stagnation of "industrial" employment is an equally interesting finding. Clearly, productivity increases have impacted industry in the same way as agriculture -- we are making more with less or at least making more with the same. posted by Kevin Stolarick July 05, 2007My old friend, Don Holbrook, outlines the challenges globalization brings for US cities and economic development, here (hat tip: Kevin Stolarick). June 14, 2007The Wall Street Journal (sub req) quotes a Big Three executive:
How do they get away with this BS. This guy shouldn't be managing a 7-11. The Big Three are not failing because of labor costs. They are failing because their product is crap. The problem is the worst management since the US steel industry - whiners, cry-babies and incompetents. They keep churning out stuff no one wants. The SUVs which were carrying them have now collapsed and they are being crushed with the move to more fuel efficient cars and hybrids. This is one of the greatest stories in gross mismanagement in world industrial history. It is hard to imagine how anyone could squander the kind of lead and assets they had, but they did. It boggles the mind, actually. When Martin Kenney and I studied Japanese investment in the auto industry during the 1980s and 1990s we were shocked and appalled by what we saw. Factories in total disrepair. Crap everywhere. Workers treated like sub-humans. Read Rivethead sometime if you have a chance. So were the Japanese. They never even imagined the US auto and related industries could be in the shape they were in. When in doubt remember this: Those Camrys and Accords that are tearing up the US market? No, they're not made in Japan or some low labor cost country. They're made right smack here in the US, using American workers. And Japanese and German workers are not exactly cheap labor. It's not American workers that are the problem- it's management. June 09, 2007SAP CEO Henning Kagermann has a global talent strategy for the spiky world. Have a look at this interview in the New York Times.
More after the jump. December 20, 2006A recent report from the Urban Land Institute and Columbia University's Milstein Center for Real Estate examines what globalization and demographic trends mean for the world's real estate markets. Download the report here. The recent UN report on the global distribution of wealth has gotten a lot of media attention, focussed mainly on the startling fact that just 2% of the world's population account for more than half of all wealth; the top 10 percent own more than 85%. Overlooked however is the extreme geographic concentration of that wealth. "Almost all of the world's richest individuals live in North America, Europe, and rich Asia-Pacfiic countries," the study finds, which account for more than 90% of all global wealth. 37% of the world's richest 1% live in the US, 27% in Japan, most of the rest in Europe. The study finds that wealth is "more unequally distributed than income across countries. High income countries tend to have a bigger share of wealth than of GDP." I can only imagine how this distribution looks within countries - how tall the world's richest regional peaks are? December 19, 2006
December 05, 2006Check out UC-Berkeley's Annalee Saxenian new report on the global mobility of engineers, international flows of venture capital, entrepreneurship in India and China and "brain circulation. Download Saxenian_WIDER_2006.pdf |